Configuring Community Strings
98 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
Displaying Community Strings
From the ::community=> prompt, type show then press . A screen similar to the
following displays. The read_view and write_view columns indicate whether or not the
community string has read or write privileges. All indicates that the community string has the
privilege, while a minus sign indicates that it does not.
Deleting Community Strings
1 From the ::community=> prompt, type show then press to display the
configured community strings.
2 Note the exact spelling of the community string you want to delete.
3 Type the delete command in the following format then press .
delete <community>
The community string you want to delete.
::community=> delete engineering
The community strings private and public are preconfigured. If you delete the
private community string, the command-line interface will not work.
::community=> show
community privilege read_view write_view
private read-write All All
public read-only All -
engineering read-only All -