Monitoring System Alarms
548 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
Most Serious Alarm The most serious alarm that is occurring in the corresponding slot. The
currently supported alarms are:
Chassis Alarms—critical
• Chassis power alarm—One or more chassis power inputs is down.
• Chassis fan failure—One or more of the four chassis fans is down.
• Chassis temperature alarm
—The chassis temperature has exceeded
the allowable threshold. This threshold is not user configurable.
• Chassis line card down alarm
—The management card cannot
communicate with the line card.
• Chassis cell bus down alarm
—The cell bus is not operational.
ADSL Alarms—minor
• ADSL Loss of Frame (ATU-C/ATU-R)—The Loss of Framing 15 minute
interval threshold has been exceeded.
• ADSL Loss of Signal (ATU-C/ATU-R)
—The Loss of Signal 15 minute
interval threshold has been exceeded.
• ADSL Errored Seconds (ATU-C/ATU-R)
—The Errored Seconds 15
minute interval threshold has been exceeded.
• ADSL RLPRs (Loss of Power) (ATU-C/ATU-R)
—Either the ATU-C or
ATU-R has lost power.
• ADSL Rate Change (ATU-C/ATU-R)
—The actual rate is different than
the configured rate.
• ADSL Initialization Failure Trap (ATU-C/ATU-R)
—ADSL line
initialization failed.
Alarm Severity The severity of the most serious alarm that is occurring.
Information Description