Chapter 10: Configuring Bridging and Routing
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 231
The index number of the Session Configuration Table row that contains the session you
want to modify.
[-admin (up|down)]
The admin status of the session. Up enables the session. Down disables the session.
[-subs <subscriber>]
A name that identifies the session. This is a text string that can be any length and can
contain any character.
[-service (bridge|{{route|broute}[-ipaddr <ipaddr> -mask
Configures the session for bridging only.
Configures the session for routing only.
Configures the session for both bridging and routing.
-ipaddr <ipaddr>
The IP address assigned to the session (format Include this parameter
only if you specified route or broute for the service type.
-mask <ipmask>
The subnet mask assigned to the session (format Include this
parameter only if you specified route or broute for the service type.
Assigns no service to the session.