Monitoring Frame Relay Performance Statistics
298 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
• The total number of sent frames aborted.
• The type of error last seen on this interface.
• The number of times the link went down since it was initialized.
Monitoring LMI Statistics
You access frame relay Link Management Interface (LMI) statistics from the ::lmi=>
prompt. From the ::frame-relay=> prompt, type lmi then press to display the
::lmi=> prompt.
From the ::lmi=> prompt, type the following command then press to display the LMI
show <fslot.port>
The frame card slot and port.
::lmi=> show 5.1
A screen similar to the following displays.
::lmi=> show 5.1
Link statistics for Frame Relay port 5.1:
Number of LMI status enquiries received 25288
Number of LMI full status enquiries received 4216
Number of LMI status responses sent 4216
Number of LMI full status responses sent 0
Number of LMI updates received 0
Number of LMI updates sent 0
Number of unknown LMI messages received 0
Number of lost LMI sequences 0
Number of missing LMI responses 0
Receive sequence number of last LMI frame rcvd 0
Receive sequence number of last LMI frame sent 213
Send sequence number of last LMI frame rcvd 213
Send sequence number of last LMI frame sent 0
Number of LMI Messages without Report type rcvd 0
Number of LMI Message without keepalive info rcvd 0
Number of LMI Messages with unsupported IE rcvd 0
Number of missing LMI status enquiries 0