Monitoring DS1/T1 Performance
286 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
You can monitor DS1/T1 current performance and performance history, by port or for all ports
at once. You monitor DS1 performance from the ::stats=> prompt. From the ::root=>
prompt, type the following command then press to display the ::stats=> prompt.
display stats
Type the ds1 command in the following format, then press .
ds1 [<port> [-interval (number>|all>]]
The port for which you want to view performance (format slot.port).
[-interval (<number>|all)]
The number of the 15-minute data collection interval for which the performance data
is displayed. Type -interval all to display performance data for all intervals in
the past 24 hours. Omitting this parameter displays the current and 24-hour DS1
performance data for the specified port. You cannot specify this parameter unless you
specified a value for the <port> parameter.
Omitting both the port and -interval commands displays current and 24-hour DS1 performance
data for all ports.