Configuring SPVCs
188 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
Changing the Encapsulation Mode
You can change a PVCC encapsulation mode from the ::pvcc=> prompt. From the
::pvcc=> prompt, type the encap command in the following format then press .
encap <index> [-port <xDSL_port>] [-mode (vcmux|llc)]
The index number of the PVCC for which you want to change the encapsulation mode. See
“Displaying Frame Channel Card PVCC Information” on page 186 to display the
configured frame channel card PVCCs.
[-port <xDSL_port>]
(Optional) The channel card port number of the PVCC. Typing -port 0 removes the
mapping between the PVCC and the port to which it is mapped.
[-mode (vcmux|llc)]
(Optional) The available encapsulation mode options. Type either -mode vcmux or
-mode llc.
::pvcc=> encap 2 -port 4.2 -mode llc
SPVCs (Soft Permanent Virtual Circuits) provide a PVC between the CPE and the line card, and
an SVC (Switched Virtual Circuit) between the line card and the destination ATM end system.
SVCs are virtual connections that are established through an ATM network using signaling (the
end-points are defined when the call is initiated and terminated at the end of the call). SPVCs,
then, enable ATM connection redundancy between the line card and the ATM end system.
You configure SPVCs from the ::spvc=> prompt. From the ::root=> prompt, type the
following command then press to display the ::spvc=> prompt:
configuration atm cell spvc