Configuring ATM Routing
198 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
::route=> show
::route=> show 11.1
A screen similar to the following displays:
Information Description
Index The ATM Routing Table row number.
Destination Address The ATM address of the destination ATM end system.
Length The number of destination ATM address prefix octets the
system considers when determining whether the ATM
routing table entry matches a particular SPVC.
Slot The line card slot to which you want to route the traffic when
the current line card fails.
Admin The static route administrative status. Options:
• Active
• Inactive
Oper The static route operational status. Options:
• Active—passing data.
• Inactive—not operational.
Index Address Slot Length Admin Oper
1 39:26:34:34:75:85:11:08 11.1 5 Active Active
2 39:69:24:97:21:35:34:36 11.1 8 Inactive Inactive