Chapter 17: System Maintenance and Administration
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 357
::admin=> copy 1 bigfile.txt 10 bigfile.txt (Copies the file to a different
card using the same file name.)
::admin=> copy 1 amc.bin 1 amc.alt (Copies the file to a different file name on
the same card.)
Displaying a Directory of Files on a Card
To display a directory of all the files stored in NVRAM on a particular card, from the
::admin=> prompt, type the directory command in the following format, then press .
dir [<slot>]
The slot number for which you want to display a directory of files. The default value is 1.
::admin=> dir 5
A screen similar to the following displays.
::admin=> dir 5
Name Size Modified
AMCPROF.TXT 79 04-19-1999 15:07:28
ATM.CNF 3434 01-01-2099 00:08:46
AMC.CNF 10481 04-29-1999 10:13:12
CLI.TCL 241040 04-19-1999 15:06:58
WEB_UI.BIN 1226160 04-29-1999 10:28:44
AMC.BIN 814400 04-29-1999 10:25:10