Appendix A: Troubleshooting and Diagnostics
Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual 599
The diagnostic tests described in this section can help you determine why the system is not
performing properly.
Detecting PCI Devices
From the DMU Test Main Menu, type 1. The system detects the PCI devices in the system
and displays a list on the screen.
Performing NAND EEPROM Diagnostics
To determine if the system cannot boot the image file due to a defective NAND EEPROM:
1 From the DMU Test Main Menu, type 2.
The NAND EEPROM/DOSFS Menu displays.
D DOSFS Directory
L <file> Load and run AMC image
R <file> Read file
T Test NAND EEPROM (in raw mode)
N Make file ‘amcprof.txt’ Read-Only
V <file> Display information on binary image
U Unformat (DOSFS)
X eXit to main menu