HP (Hewlett-Packard) Netsight Printer User Manual

About NetSight Element Manager 2-3
Overview of NetSight Element Manager
Figure 2-1. The Primary NetSight Element Manager Window,
with Docked and Undocked Workspace and Toolbars
Drag-and-drop functionality for copy or link operations, so that it’s easy to transfer
data from one management window to the next within the same application (e.g., from
a List View to a Map View), or between applications (e.g., from a NetSight Element
Manager List View to a device group in Remote Administration Tools).
Toolbars can be undocked to become floating
tool palettes (either inside or outside the main
window) or be docked to a different place.
Hint text displays here
when you move the cursor
over any toolbar button.
Views can be minimized,
but must remain in the
main window area.
Icons representing various services are displayed
here when those services are active: node polling
service, Scheduler (not shown), alarm and event
service, and discover. Text displays also indicate
key positions, which can affect navigation.
The Workspace can
also be undocked,
and placed either
inside or outside the
main window.