HP (Hewlett-Packard) Netsight Printer User Manual

Discovering Nodes
3-10 Creating and Modifying Discover Scripts
Figure 3-7. The General Page of the Subnet Properties Window
5. In the Description text box, enter a description for your subnet entry. This
description is not displayed in the Discover Properties window, but will be
displayed in the View—>Subnets window accessible from the primary
window menu bar (see Figure 3-20 on page 3-28).
6. Enter any additional information about the subnet in the Notes text box.
7. Click OK to save your subnet discovery parameters and exit the Subnet
Properties window. The address and name of the defined subnet displays in
the Subnets group box on the Device page of the Discover Properties
8. Repeat Steps 2-8 to define additional Subnets for your script.
9. To include a defined subnet in your Discover script, click on the checkbox to
the left of the subnet address in the Subnets group box. A check mark
displays in the checkbox to indicate that the subnet discovery has been
selected for inclusion in the script.
10. Define your remaining Discover script parameters as explained in the
following sections, or click OK to save your entries and return to the Discover
Manager window.
You can combine one or more IP address ranges with one or more subnets in a single
device discover script, as long as the total number of addresses to be queried in a single
script does not exceed 2000.