Samsung S3C2440A Laptop User Manual

The LCD controller in the S3C2440A consists of the logic for transferring LCD image data from a video buffer
located in system memory to an external LCD driver.
The LCD controller supports monochrome, 2-bit per pixel (4-level gray scale) or 4-bit per pixel (16-level gray scale)
mode on a monochrome LCD, using a time-based dithering algorithm and Frame Rate Control (FRC) method and
it can be interfaced with a color LCD panel at 8-bit per pixel (256-level color) and 12-bit per pixel (4096-level color)
for interfacing with STN LCD.
It can support 1-bit per pixel, 2-bit per pixel, 4-bit per pixel, and 8-bit per pixel for interfacing with the palletized TFT
color LCD panel, and 16-bit per pixel and 24-bit per pixel for non-palletized true-color display.
The LCD controller can be programmed to support different requirements on the screen related to the number of
horizontal and vertical pixels, data line width for the data interface, interface timing, and refresh rate.
STN LCD displays:
Supports 3 types of LCD panels: 4-bit dual scan, 4-bit single scan, and 8-bit single scan display type
Supports the monochrome, 4 gray levels, and 16 gray levels
Supports 256 colors and 4096 colors for color STN LCD panel
Supports multiple screen size
Typical actual screen size: 640 x 480, 320 x 240, 160 x 160, and others
Maximum virtual screen size is 4Mbytes.
Maximum virtual screen size in 256 color mode: 4096 x 1024, 2048 x 2048, 1024 x 4096, and others
TFT LCD displays:
Supports 1, 2, 4 or 8-bpp (bit per pixel) palletized color displays for TFT
— Supports 16, 24-bpp non-palletized true-color displays for color TFT
Supports maximum 16M color TFT at 24bit per pixel mode
Supports multiple screen size
Typical actual screen size: 640 x 480, 320 x 240, 160 x 160, and others
Maximum virtual screen size is 4Mbytes.
Maximum virtual screen size in 64K color mode: 2048 x 1024 and others