Samsung S3C2440A Laptop User Manual

22 SPI
The S3C2440A Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) can interface with the serial data transfer. The S3C2440A includes
two SPI, each of which has two 8-bit shift registers for transmission and receiving, respectively. During an SPI
transfer, data is simultaneously transmitted (shifted out serially) and received (shifted in serially). 8-bit serial data at
a frequency is determined by its corresponding control register settings. If you only want to transmit, receive data
can be kept dummy. Otherwise, if you only want to receive, you should transmit dummy '1' data.
There are 4 I/O pin signals associated with SPI transfers: SCK (SPICLK0,1), MISO (SPIMISO0,1) data line, MOSI
(SPIMOSI0,1) data line and active low /SS (nSS0,1) pin (input).
Support 2-ch SPI
SPI Protocol (ver. 2.11) compatible
8-bit Shift Register for transmit
8-bit Shift Register for receive
8-bit Prescaler logic
Polling, Interrupt and DMA transfer mode