DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2
Upgrades and Additions for R8r
Issue 1
April 2000
Upgrading G3rV2, V3, V4 to R8r and Adding Memory
1-4Task Tables
Task Tables
Table 1-2 lists the high-level tasks to perform the upgrades. Refer to the
appropriate page for instructions for each step.
The upgrade procedure is similar for both the standard and high or critical
reliability system with a few exceptions. These exceptions are noted as you go
through the steps.
Table 1-2. Tasks to upgrade the software and hardware
Task Description Page
Check SPE
Save Translations 1-6
Save Announcements (if necessary) 1-6
Back Up Disk 1-6
Disable Scheduled Maintenance and Alarm Origination to INADS 1-7
Reconfigure the Tape (G3rV2, V3 R31.0 and Earlier) 1-6
Check Link Status 1-8
Disable TTI 1-8
Check Disk Drive 1-8
Install Disk Drive (if not TN1657 V4 or earlier) 1-9
Restore Disk 1-9
Check TTI Status 1-10
Busyout MMI Circuit Packs (H/C only) 1-10
Lock the active SPE (H/C only) 1-10
Check the active tone-clock (H/C only) 1-11
Power Down the Processor Carrier 1-11
Remove the Circuit Packs 1-11
Install the Circuit Packs 1-12
Power Up the Processor Carrier 1-14
Unlock the Active SPE (H/C only) 1-14
Continued on next page