HP (Hewlett-Packard) B Network Router User Manual

>:FEED <
<source > = "READy"
The level on the selected TTLTRG trigger line goes low while the
trigger system is initiated. The line goes high after the readings
complete, and then goes low again for the next burst of readings.
When taking post-arm readings only, the signal returns high when the arm
count and trigger count are both satisfied.
Routing the Signal to a Source
The trigger signal can be routed to the locations described above, provided
the port or trigger line is not also used as an input for a reference clock
source, arm source, or trigger source. Summarized are the external sources
available to the digitizer:
External reference clock sources: "Ext 2" BNC port, ECLTrg<n > trigger
External arm sources: "Ext 1" BNC port, ECLTrg<n > trigger line,
TTLTrg<n > trigger line
External trigger sources: "Ext 1" BNC port, "Ext 2" port, ECLTrg<n >
trigger line, TTLTrg<n > trigger line
If one of these ports or trigger lines is a source, then that same port or line
cannot be used to route (OUTPut) the signal.
128 Understandin
the HP E1429 Di
itizer Chapter 3