HP (Hewlett-Packard) B Network Router User Manual

Code Message Description
1019 Data loss detected during LBUS
Readings from the digitizer A/D were lost during a
Local bus transfer. This error usually occurs when
multiple digitizers are used and arming/triggering
signals between them cause readings to be missed.
1020 Indefinite block not allowed When executing the VINStrument:TEST:DATA
command, the data must be in the IEEE-488.2
definite length block format.
1021 LBUS still running, ABOR or
The HP E1429B digitizer is in the interleaved transfer
mode and the LBUS chip is still active. The chip must
be reset before the next INITiate command.
1022 Local bus test data size not
multiple of 4 bytes
When executing the VINStrument:TEST:DATA
command, the amount of data sent must be a multiple
of 4 (bytes).
1213 Illegal when initiated The command can not be executed while the digitizer
is INITiated.
2003 Memory address incorrect Address specified by DIAGnostic:POKE or
DIAGnostic:PEEK? is not valid.
2004 Invalid address for 32-bit access Attemping a 32-bit read from an odd numbered
2007 Bus error Error during DIAGnostic:PEEK or DIAGnostic:POKE?
Table B-3. HP E1429A/B Error Messages (Cont’d)
340 Useful Tables Appendix B