HP (Hewlett-Packard) B Network Router User Manual

The Digitizer Status Registers
This chapter describes the HP E1429 digitizer status system. Included is
information on the STATus subsystem commands, the status groups used by
the digitizer, the conditions monitored by each group, and information on
how to enable a condition to interrupt a computer.
The Status
The commands included in the STATus subsystem are:
:INITiate <
:ENABle <
:NTRansition <
:PTRansition <
Status System
Operating conditions within the digitizer are monitored by registers in
various status groups. The status groups implemented by the digitizer are:
Questionable Signal Status Group
condition register
transition filter
event register
enable register
Operation Status Group
condition register
transition filter
event register
enable register
Standard Event Status Group
standard event status register
standard event status enable register
Status Byte Status Group
status byte register
service request enable register
The relationship between the registers and filters in these groups is shown in
Figure 3-16.
Chapter 3 Understanding the HP E1429 Digitizer 165