HP (Hewlett-Packard) B Network Router User Manual

When VINStrument:CONFigure:LBUS:FEED is one or both A/D converters, care
must be taken that other active instruments in the pipeline can maintain the data
generation rate. If data is available from the A/D converter but the Local bus is
busy and can not accept it, the data is lost and error 1019; "Data loss detected
during LBUS transfer" is reported.
For VINStrument:CONFigure:LBUS:FEED "MEMory:BOTH" and
VINStrument:CONFigure:LBUS:FEED "CONVerter: BOTH", data is sent
interleaved with channel 2 reading 1 as the first point.
Related Commands: VINStrument:CONFigure:LBUS:MODE, ARM subsystem,
TRIGger subsystem, VINStrument:CONFigure:LBUS:MEMory:INITiate
*RST Condition: VINStrument:CONFigure:LBUS:FEED "MEMory:BOTH"
Example Send channel 1 memory data to consumer automatically after measurement
VINS:CONF:LBUS:MODE GEN Set this module’s mode to GENerate data
for the Local bus
VINS:CONF:LBUS:FEED "MEM:CHAN1" Set data source to channel 1 memory
Set up other modules to right of this one Last module on right must be in
INIT Start the measurement, data will be
transferred over the Local bus as soon as
the measurement completes
VINStrument[:CONFigure]:LBUS:MEMory:INITiate causes the instrument to
begin the process of transferring data from memory out over the Local bus. If the
FEED and MODE are set correctly (e.g. MODE = APPend, GENerate, or INSert)
before the measurement is taken, this command is not necessary because the data
will automatically be sent. If, however, the measurement was aborted, or if it is
necessary to change the MODE or FEED after the measurement has completed, then
executing this command will start the data transfer.
Comments Executable when initiated: No
Coupled command: Yes. This command will error if
VINStrument:CONFigure:LBUS:FEED is not "MEMory:xxx", if
VINStrument:CONFigure:LBUS:MODE is OFF, or if the HP E1429 is already
286 Command Reference VINStrument Subsystem