HP (Hewlett-Packard) B Network Router User Manual

Procedure 1. Initialize the memory control register.
A. Set bits 2 - 0 of the memory control register (base + 21
) to ’0’. Retain
the settings of bits 7 - 3.
2. Determine the starting address of the memory segment.
A. The segment size is the number of readings to be taken and must
be divisible by 4. The starting address is computed as:
starting address = ending address - (segment size - 1)
The re-initiation procedure assumes one segment of post-arm
readings. Therefore, the ending address (524,287) is the size of
digitizer memory.
3. Set the terminal (ending) address.
A. The terminal address is the ending address of the memory
segment. This address is computed as:
terminal address = (ending address - 4095) / 2048
Again, the procedure is for one segment of post-arm readings.
Therefore, the terminal address is:
terminal address = (524,287 - 4095) / 2048 = 254
B. Divide the starting address (see Step 2) by 4. If this value
is > 65,535 (FFFF
), add 1 to the terminal address value (254).
C. Write the terminal address to the terminal address register (base
+ 2B
4. Set the base (starting) address.
A. The base address is the (starting address / 4) of the memory
segment. Write the most significant byte of (starting address / 4) to
the base 0 address register (base + 2D
). Write the least significant
byte of (starting address / 4) to the base 1 address register (base +
Appendix C Register Programming 379