HP (Hewlett-Packard) B Network Router User Manual

10 !Assign an I/O path between the computer and digitizer.
20 ASSIGN @A_d TO 70905
30 COM @A_d
40 !Call the subprogram
50 Rst_cls
60 END
70 !
80 SUB Rst_cls
90 Rst_cls: !subprogram which resets and clears the digitizer.
100 COM @A_d
110 OUTPUT @A_d;"*RST;*CLS;*OPC?" !reset and clear
120 ENTER @A_d;Complete
/* RSTCLS.C - This program resets the digitizer and clears its status register */
/* Include the following header files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cfunc.h> /* This file is from the HP-IB Command Library Disk */
#define ADDR 70905L /* I/O path from PC to the digitizer, via the E1406 */
/* Function Prototypes */
void rst_clr(void);
void main(void) /* Run the program */
rst_clr(); /* Reset and clear the digitizer */
void rst_clr(void)
IOOUTPUTS(ADDR, "*RST;*CLS", 9); /* reset and clear the digitizer*/
24 Gettin
Started Chapter 1