HP (Hewlett-Packard) B Network Router User Manual

Caution Executing the self-test erases the readings in the digitizer’s
non-volatile memory.
If the self-test fails, the command:
can be executed to obtain additional information on the failure. Note that
DIAGnostic:TEST can return a string up to 40 characters.
10 !Send the self-test command, enter and display the result.
20 DIM Message$[256],Diagnostic$[40]
30 OUTPUT 70905;"*TST?"
40 ENTER 70905;Rslt
50 IF Rslt <>0 THEN
70 OUTPUT 70905;"SYST:ERR?"
80 ENTER 70905;Code,Message$
90 PRINT Code,Message$
100 UNTIL Code =0
110 OUTPUT 70905;"DIAG:TEST?"
120 ENTER 70905;Diagnostic$
130 PRINT Diagnostic$
140 END IF
150 PRINT Rslt
160 END
/* SLFTST.C - This program performs a self-test on the digitizer and prints */
/* out the resulting self-test code */
/* Include the following header files */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cfunc.h> /* This file is from the HP-IB Command Library Disk */
#define ADDR 70905L /* I/O path from the PC to the digitizer, via the E1406 */
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22 Gettin
Started Chapter 1