HP (Hewlett-Packard) B Network Router User Manual

The number of pre-arm readings may be determined by taking the absolute value
of the query SENSe:SWEep:OFFSet:POINts? which returns either 0 (no pre-arm
readings) or a negative number which is the pre-arm count. If the measurements
were ABORted, use FETCh:COUNt? to determine the number of readings.
Using the above method, it is also possible to calculate the end of pre-arm data
and the beginning of post-arm data when both are present in a measurement. The
data will always be returned with the specified number of pre-arm readings
followed by post-arm readings.
The READ command is equivalent to the command sequence:
ABORt;INITiate:IMMediate;FETCh?. Because of the ABORt, VME (VXI data
transfer) bus or Local bus transfers in progress will be aborted. This includes the
pipelining of data.
Related Commands: ABORt, FETCh?, FORMat:DATA, INITiate:IMMediate,
*RST Condition: none
Example 1 Obtaining readings from the HP E1429
CONF1:ARR:VOLT (30),.6,DEF,(@1) Configure for 30 readings on channel 1,
port 1
READ1? Start measurement and get readings from
channel 1.
Example 2 Reading back PACKed data (HP BASIC program)
DIM Ndig$[1],Count$[9] Dimension parameters for header
Turn format off for array data
OUTPUT 70905;"READ1?" Query for channel 1 measurement data
ENTER @X USING "#,X,K,K";Ndig$;Count$[1;VAL(Ndig$)]
Strip the header preceeding the data
ALLOCATE INTEGER Meas_data(1:VAL(Count$)/2)
Allocate an array to hold the data
ENTER @X;Meas_data(*) Read in the measurement data
ENTER 70905 USING "B";Junk Need to strip off left over line feed
250 Command Reference READ[
] Subsystem