HP (Hewlett-Packard) B Network Router User Manual

/* write middle-significant-byte of post-arm count */
sprintf(command, "DIAG:POKE %ld, %d, %d", base_addr+0x79,8,0);
IOOUTPUTS(CMD_MOD, command, strlen(command));
/* write most-significant-byte of post-arm count */
sprintf(command, "DIAG:POKE %ld, %d, %d", base_addr+0x7B,8,0);
IOOUTPUTS(CMD_MOD, command, strlen(command));
/* initialize the sample rate registers */
sprintf(command, "DIAG:POKE %ld, %d, %d", base_addr+0x63,8,129);
IOOUTPUTS(CMD_MOD, command, strlen(command));
sprintf(command, "DIAG:POKE %ld, %d, %d", base_addr+0x61,8,255);
IOOUTPUTS(CMD_MOD, command, strlen(command));
/* disable reclocking of the reference divider (enabled for reference */
/* divider values of 100,000 or greater) */
sprintf(command, "DIAG:PEEK? %ld, %d", base_addr+0x4B,8);
IOOUTPUTS(CMD_MOD, command, strlen(command));
IOENTER(CMD_MOD, &bit_pat);
/* retain register settings, disable reclocking */
bit_reg = (int)(bit_pat + ((bit_pat >= 0) ? .5 : -.5));
bit_reg = (bit_reg & 0xEF);
sprintf(command, "DIAG:POKE %ld, %d, %d", base_addr+0x4B,8,bit_reg);
IOOUTPUTS(CMD_MOD, command, strlen(command));
/* set the sample rate to 10 kHz (100 us) */
/* set decade division register for a division by 1,000 */
sprintf(command, "DIAG:POKE %ld, %d, %d", base_addr+0x61,8,8);
IOOUTPUTS(CMD_MOD, command, strlen(command));
/* set binary division register for a division by 2 */
sprintf(command, "DIAG:POKE %ld, %d, %d", base_addr+0x63,8,132);
IOOUTPUTS(CMD_MOD, command, strlen(command));
/* For systems using an embedded controller, it may be necessary to monitor */
/* bit 1 of the arm status register (base + 43) until it is cleared (set to ’0’) */
/* before continuing with the next set of instructions. */
/* using the traffic register, set the pulse register as the high-speed */
/* clock source, write to the pulse register to remove any "old" readings */
/* from the data bus */
Continued on Next Page
Appendix C Register Programming 397