ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Switching Commands 3-147
v1.0, November 2010
no set igmp mcrtrexpiretime
This command sets the Multicast Router Present Expiration time to 0. The time is set for the
system, on a particular interface or a VLAN.
set igmp mrouter
This command configures the VLAN ID (<vlanId>) that has the multicast router mode enabled.
no set igmp mrouter
This command disables multicast router mode for a particular VLAN ID (<vlan_id>).
set igmp mrouter interface
This command configures the interface as a multicast router interface. When configured as a
multicast router interface, the interface is treated as a multicast router interface in all VLANs.
Format no set igmp mcrtrexpiretime
Mode • Global Config
• Interface Config
Format no set igmp mcrtrexpiretime <vlan_id>
Mode VLAN Config
Format set igmp mrouter <vlan_id>
Mode Interface Config
Format no set igmp mrouter <vlan_id>
Mode Interface Config
Default disabled
Format set igmp mrouter interface
Mode Interface Config