ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Management Commands 7-48
v1.0, November 2010
snmp-server community
This command adds (and names) a new SNMP community. A community <name> is a name
associated with the switch and with a set of SNMP managers that manage it with a specified
privileged level. The length of <name> can be up to 16 case-sensitive characters.
no snmp-server community
This command removes this community name from the table. The <name> is the community
name to be deleted.
snmp-server community ipaddr
This command sets a client IP address for an SNMP community. The address is the associated
community SNMP packet sending address and is used along with the client IP mask value to
denote a range of IP addresses from which SNMP clients may use that community to access the
device. A value of allows access from any IP address. Otherwise, this value is ANDed with
the mask to determine the range of allowed client IP addresses. The name is the applicable
community name.
Format snmp-server {sysname <name> | location <loc> | contact <con>}
Mode Global Config
Note: Community names in the SNMP Community Table must be unique. When making
multiple entries using the same community name, the first entry is kept and
processed and all duplicate entries are ignored.
Default • Public and private, which you can rename.
• Default values for the remaining four community names are blank.
Format snmp-server community <name>
Mode Global Config
Format no snmp-server community <name>
Mode Global Config