NETGEAR XSM7224S-100NAS Switch User Manual

ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Switching Commands 3-23
v1.0, November 2010
spanning-tree bpduforwarding
Normally a switch will not forward Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) BPDU packets if STP is
disabled. However, if in some network setup, the user wishes to forward BDPU packets received
from other network devices, this command can be used to enable the forwarding.
no spanning-tree bpduforwarding
This command will cause the STP BPDU packets received from the network to be dropped if STP
is disabled.
show spanning-tree
This command displays spanning tree settings for the common and internal spanning tree. The
following details are displayed.
Default 2
Format spanning-tree bpduforwarding
Mode Global Config
Format no spanning-tree bpduforwarding
Mode Global Config
Format show spanning-tree
Mode Privileged EXEC
Term Definition
Bridge Priority Specifies the bridge priority for the Common and Internal Spanning tree (CST). The
value lies between 0 and 61440. It is displayed in multiples of 4096.
Bridge Identifier The bridge identifier for the CST. It is made up using the bridge priority and the base
MAC address of the bridge.
Time Since
Time in seconds.