NETGEAR XSM7224S-100NAS Switch User Manual

ProSafe XSM7224S Managed Stackable Switch CLI Manual, Software Version 9.0
Routing Commands 4-8
v1.0, November 2010
IP Routing Commands
This section describes the commands you use to enable and configure IP routing on the switch.
This command enables IPv4 and IPv6 routing for an interface. You can view the current value for
this function with the show ip brief command. The value is labeled as “Routing Mode.”
no routing
This command disables routing for an interface.
You can view the current value for this function with the show ip brief command. The value
is labeled as “Routing Mode.”
ip routing
This command enables the IP Router Admin Mode for the master switch.
Term Definition
IP Address The IP address of a device on a subnet attached to the switch.
MAC Address The hardware MAC address of that device.
Interface The routing unit/slot/port associated with the device’s ARP entry.
Default disabled
Format routing
Mode Interface Config
Format no routing
Mode Interface Config
Format ip routing
Mode Global Config