Chapter 1 Outline
1.5 Screen Operations
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
■ Thin Provisioning Pool
The usage of TPP is displayed.
• Pie chart
The pie chart indicates the total used physical capacity and the total free physical capacity in the TPPs.
Blue: Total used physical capacity
Gray: Total free physical capacity
• Thin Provisioning Pool Count
The number of TPPs registered in the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system is displayed.
• Volume Count
The number of volumes registered in the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system is displayed.
This value displays the number of "TPV" type volumes.
• Total Used Physical Capacity
The total used physical capacity of the TPPs [TB/GB/MB] is displayed. The "Total Used Physical Capacity" is
the total physical capacity of all the TPPs that are used for volumes.
• Total Free Physical Capacity
The total free physical capacity of the TPPs [TB/GB/MB] is displayed. The "Total Free Physical Capacity" is the
total unused physical capacity of all the TPPs.
• Total Physical Capacity
The total physical capacity of the TPPs [TB/GB/MB] is displayed. The "Total Physical Capacity" is the total
physical capacity of all the TPPs in the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system.
■ Snap Data Pool
The usage of SDP is displayed.
• Pie chart
The pie chart indicates the total used capacity and the total free capacity in the SDP.
Blue: Total used capacity
Gray: Total free capacity
• Snap Data Pool Count
The number of SDPs that are registered in the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system is displayed.
• Total Used Capacity
The total used capacity of the SDP [TB/GB/MB] is displayed. The "Total Used Capacity" is the total capacity of
all the SDPs that are used for volumes.
• Total Free Capacity
The total free capacity of the SDP [TB/GB/MB] is displayed. The "Total Free Capacity" is the total unused
capacity of all the SDPs.
• Total Capacity
The total capacity of the SDP [TB/GB/MB] is displayed. The "Total Capacity" is the total capacity of all the
SDPs in the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system.
Total Free Physical Capacity = Total Physical Capacity - Total Used Physical Capacity
Total Free Capacity = Total Capacity - Total Used Capacity