Chapter 5 Volume Management
5.1 Volume Status
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
The following items are displayed in the Main area:
• No.
The volume number is displayed. Click this item to display the [Volume Detail] screen.
Refer to "5.1.12 Volume Detail (Balancing TPV)" (page 92)
for display items.
• Name
The volume name is displayed. Click this item to display the [Volume Detail] screen.
Refer to "5.1.12 Volume Detail (Balancing TPV)" (page 92)
for display items.
• Status
The volume status is displayed. Refer to "B.2 Volume Status" (page 974)
for detailed information of volume
• Type
The volume type (fixed to "TPV") is displayed.
• Capacity
The total volume capacity is displayed.
• Balancing Level
The balancing level of the volume is displayed.
- When the volume is balanced: High
- When the volume is almost balanced: Middle
- When the volume is not balancing well: Low
- When the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system is abnormal: "-" (hyphen)
• Process
A process that is being performed for the volume is displayed.
If multiple processes are being performed, the processes are separated with a ": (colon)" and displayed
using ("xx:yy"). "Encrypting", "Formatting", "Migrating", or "Balancing" is displayed as "xx". "Zero Reclaim-
ing" or "Reserved Zero Reclaim" is displayed as "yy".
If no process is being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
- Balancing
TPV balancing is being performed
- Formatting
Formatting is being performed
- Migrating
RAID migration is being performed
- Zero Reclaiming
Zero Reclamation (*1) is being performed for a TPV or an FTV.
- Reserved Zero Reclaim
A TPV or an FTV is reserved for Zero Reclamation (*2).
*1: "Zero Reclamation" is a function that releases the allocated physical area when data in the physical area that
is allocated to a TPV or an FTV is filled with zeros.
*2: When "Start Zero Reclamation after migration" is enabled for RAID migration, the source volume will be
reserved for Zero Reclamation.