
Chapter 5 Volume Management
5.1 Volume Status
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
The following items are displayed in the Main area:
The volume number is displayed. Click this item to display the [Volume Detail] screen.
Refer to "5.1.12 Volume Detail (Balancing TPV)" (page 92)
for display items.
The volume name is displayed. Click this item to display the [Volume Detail] screen.
Refer to "5.1.12 Volume Detail (Balancing TPV)" (page 92)
for display items.
The volume status is displayed. Refer to "B.2 Volume Status" (page 974)
for detailed information of volume
The volume type (fixed to "TPV") is displayed.
The total volume capacity is displayed.
Balancing Level
The balancing level of the volume is displayed.
- When the volume is balanced: High
- When the volume is almost balanced: Middle
- When the volume is not balancing well: Low
- When the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system is abnormal: "-" (hyphen)
A process that is being performed for the volume is displayed.
If multiple processes are being performed, the processes are separated with a ": (colon)" and displayed
using ("xx:yy"). "Encrypting", "Formatting", "Migrating", or "Balancing" is displayed as "xx". "Zero Reclaim-
ing" or "Reserved Zero Reclaim" is displayed as "yy".
If no process is being performed, a "-" (hyphen) is displayed.
- Balancing
TPV balancing is being performed
- Formatting
Formatting is being performed
- Migrating
RAID migration is being performed
- Zero Reclaiming
Zero Reclamation (*1) is being performed for a TPV or an FTV.
- Reserved Zero Reclaim
A TPV or an FTV is reserved for Zero Reclamation (*2).
*1: "Zero Reclamation" is a function that releases the allocated physical area when data in the physical area that
is allocated to a TPV or an FTV is filled with zeros.
*2: When "Start Zero Reclamation after migration" is enabled for RAID migration, the source volume will be
reserved for Zero Reclamation.