
Chapter 9 Connectivity Management
9.2 Functions in the Action Area for Connectivity
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
2 Input a host group name to be created, and select a host response to be assigned to the
host group.
Host Group Name
Specify the host group name.
An existing host group name cannot be specified. Refer to "Naming conventions for adding hosts"
(page 994) for details.
The following input conditions apply:
- Up to 16 alphanumeric characters and symbols (except ", (comma)" and "?")
- Space
Host Response
Select a host response to be assigned to a host group.
The host response list created in the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system is displayed.
- Solaris MPxIO
- AIX EMPD (*1)
- AIX Single Path
- VS850/SVC
- Host responses created in the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system
- Default
*1: EMPD: ETERNUS Multipath Driver
The following modifications are applied for the host response settings with firmware version V10L15
or later.
"Others" is changed to "Default".
"Windows EMPD", "Linux EMPD", and "Solaris EMPD" are deleted from the "Host Response" value.
The setting parameters for "Windows EMPD", "Linux EMPD", and "Solaris EMPD" are the same as