
Chapter 9 Connectivity Management
9.2 Functions in the Action Area for Connectivity
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
The procedure to create a LUN group is as follows:
1 Click [Add LUN Group] in [Action].
2 Specify the LUN group name, and click the [Add] button.
Specify the LUN group name.
An existing LUN group name cannot be specified.
The following input conditions apply:
- Up to 16 alphanumeric characters and symbols (except ", (comma)" and "?")
- Space
Note that if a LUN group to which volumes are mapped from LUN#512 onward exists, the maximum
number of LUN groups cannot be created.
This is because when volumes are mapped for LUN#512 onward, an additional LUN group is created as an
internal resource for every 512 LUNs. For example, when volumes are mapped from LUN#0 to LUN#520,
two LUN groups are created (one for LUNs #0 to #511 and one for LUNs #512 to #520).
Volumes with the mirroring reservation attribute (*1) cannot be registered in a LUN group. Volumes in
this status are not displayed in the "Select Volume" field.
An ODX Buffer volumes cannot be registered in the LUN group.
*1: The mirroring reservation attribute is applied to the volumes that are being created as an REC copy path by the
Dynamic LUN Mirroring function. Volumes that are not successfully created may have this attribute. Volumes that
have the mirroring reservation attribute can be checked in the "Forbid Advanced Copy" field on the [Volume] screen.
Refer to "5.1.1 Volume (Basic Information)" (page 74)
for details.