
Chapter 9 Connectivity Management
9.1 Connectivity Status
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
9.1.12 LUN Group : LU QoS Group Detail
The bandwidth limit for each LUN is displayed.
The following items are displayed in the Main area:
LUN Group
The LUN group name is displayed. If the CLI command ("set mapping") is used for LUN mapping, a "-"
(hyphen) is displayed.
LU QoS Group No.
The LU QoS group number is displayed. If a LU QoS group number is not configured, a "-" (hyphen) is
- For ETERNUS DX80 S2/DX90 S2/DX410 S2/DX440 S2/DX8100 S2: 0 - 543
- For ETERNUS DX8700 S2: 0 - 2175
Host LUN
The host LUN number is displayed.
The volume name is displayed.
Bandwidth Limit
The maximum performance is displayed in IOPS (throughput value). If the bandwidth limit has not been
configured (the bandwidth has not been limited), "Unlimited" is displayed.