Chapter 11 System Management
11.1 System Status
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
- Status
The master server status is displayed. If no key group is created or if no master server is specified, the
field is blank.
Refer to "B.7 Key Server Status" (page 980)
for details.
• Slave Server
- Server ID
The key server ID of the slave server is displayed. If no key group is created or if no slave server is
specified, the field is blank.
- Domain Name / IP Address
The domain name (FQDN) or the IP address of the slave server is displayed. If no key group is created or
if no slave server is specified, the field is blank.
Note that the IPv6 address is displayed as an abbreviation. Refer to "IPv6 Address Notation" (page 378)
for details.
- Status
The slave server status is displayed. If no key group is created or if no slave server is specified, the field
is blank.
Refer to "B.7 Key Server Status" (page 980)
for details.
● SSL / KMIP Certificate
• Issuer Name
The certificate authority name that issues the SSL / KMIP certificate is displayed. If the certificate is not
imported, the field is blank.
• Subject Name
The name of the destination to which the SSL / KMIP certificate is issued is displayed. If the certificate is not
imported, the field is blank.
• Valid From
The start date and time of the SSL / KMIP certificate validity period is displayed. If the certificate is not
imported, the field is blank.
- YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (YYYY: Year (AD), MM: Month (01 - 12), DD: Day (01 - 31), hh: Hour (00 - 23),
mm: Minute (00 - 59), ss: Second (00 - 59))
• Valid To
The end date and time of the SSL / KMIP certificate validity period is displayed. If the certificate is not
imported, the field is blank.
- YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss (YYYY: Year (AD), MM: Month (01 - 12), DD: Day (01 - 31), hh: Hour (00 - 23),
mm: Minute (00 - 59), ss: Second (00 - 59))
• Serial Number
The serial number for the SSL / KMIP certificate is displayed. If the certificate is not imported, the field is
When created, the serial number is combined with the issuer name, which is a unique number in the cer-
tificate authority.