
Chapter 11 System Management
11.1 System Status
ETERNUS Web GUI User’s Guide
Copyright 2013 FUJITSU LIMITED P2X0-1090-10ENZ0
Firmware Version
The current controller firmware version is displayed.
- VxxLyy-zzzz (Vxx: Version, Lyy: Level, zzzz: Release number)
Cache Mode
The current status and the factor of the cache are displayed. The normal status is "Write Back Mode".
- Write Back Mode
When a Write request is issued from the host, "Write Complete" is displayed after writing to the cache
area is complete.
- Write Through Mode
When a Write request is issued from the host, "Write Complete" is displayed after writing to the cache
area and the drives is complete.
In the Write Through Mode, "Write Through (factors)" is displayed. When there are multiple factors, all
the factors are displayed.
The factors of the Write Through Mode are described below:
Write Through (Pinned Data)
A large amount of pinned data is detected in the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system.
Write Through (Battery)
The battery charge level is low.
Write Through (Maintenance)
The following maintenance operation is currently being used:
- Switch Controller Firmware
- Change Controlling CM
- Add Controller Module
Write Through (1CM)
The ETERNUS DX Disk storage system is operated with 1CM. (*1)
*1: This mode is displayed when "1CM Write Through" is enabled by using the procedure in " Setup
Subsystem Parameters" (page 935) function and the ETERNUS DX Disk storage system is operated with
1CM (only 1CM can be used due to an error such as a CM failure). The "1CM Write Through" setting for the
"Setup Subsystem Parameters" function is displayed and can be changed when logged in using a user
account with the "Maintenance Operation" policy. The normal status is disabled.
Connecting Module
The CM to which the GUI is connected is displayed.
Login User
The interface type for users who are logged in is displayed.
Users logged in via GUI or users logged in via GUI from the AIS Connect server (*1)
Users logged in via CLI or users logged in via CLI from the AIS Connect server (*1)
Users logged in from software.
"SOFT" is displayed in the following conditions:
When users log in from software with the default "Software" role via CLI
When users log in using SMI-S via software
When users log in from software using Dynamic LUN Mirroring (DLM) via CLI
*1: AIS Connect servers are supplied for regions other than Japan.