Configuration 2: R7r (+CMS) <—ethernet—> R7csi 3 C-LAN Administration
Administration for Network Connectivity
CID: 77730 555-233-504 — Issue 1 — April 2000
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask associated with the IP address for
this IP interface. (The IP address is associated with the
node name on the Node Names screen).
Since the node-1 and node-5 IP interfaces are on the same
network (192.168.1), they must be assigned the same
subnet mask.
In this example, the subnet mask divides
the network 192.168.10 into 6 (usable) subnets. This
C-LAN IP Interface (node-5) is on the first subnet. See
Switch 1 Task — Assign IP Interfaces (page 77) for an
explanation of this subnet. See Subnetting (page 16) in
Chapter 1 for a detailed description of subnetting.
Gateway Addr Leaving this field blank adds a level of network security
for this IP interface but requires that IP routes be
administered to enable communication with nodes on
different (sub)networks.
Net Rgn Enter the region number for this IP interface.
Field Conditions/Comments
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