Centralized Voice Mail Via Mode Code
Administration for Network Connectivity
555-233-504 — Issue 1 — April 2000 CID: 77730
B Private Networking
Centralized Voice Mail Via Mode Code
You can use a single voice mail system to support multiple DEFINITY and Merlin
Legend/Magix systems in a network via mode code. This capability is available for:
• Prologix R3
• BCS Issue 6
• Merlin Legend R6.1
• Merlin Magix 1.0
Note: DEFINITY One and Guestworks are not supported.
Voice mail systems that support these connections are:
• Intuity AUDIX R4.4 or higher running on a MAP5, with up to 18 ports
• Octel 100, with up to 16 ports
Configuration requirements
Centralized voice mail via mode code requires the following:
• A DEFINITY ECS switch as the hub of the voice mail network, with the voice
mail system directly connected to it.
• Direct ISDN PRI tandem trunk connections, using DS1 service between the
DEFINITY ECS hub and the switches the voice mail supports. The system uses
the D-channel to transmit mode code signals to light message waiting lights on
remote extensions.
• A uniform dial plan for all switches in the network, with a 4-digit plan if Merlin
Legend/Magix is part of the network.
• One and only one mailbox for each extension in the network.
Note: DCS software, X.25 hardware, and CLAN hardware/software are
not required for this type of network. Additionally, you cannot
network switches simultaneously using both mode code and DCS.