G References
Administration for Network Connectivity
CID: 77730 555-233-504 — Issue 1 — April 2000
DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book for basic administration, 555-233-756,
Issue 1
Provides step-by-step procedures for performing basic switch administration tasks.
Includes managing phones, managing features, routing outgoing calls, and enhancing
system security.
DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book for advanced administration,
555-233-757, Issue 1
Provides step-by-step procedures for managing trunks, managing hunt groups, setting
up night service, writing vectors, recording announcements, using reports, and
understanding call centers.
DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book for basic diagnostics, 555-233-758,
Issue 1
Provides step-by-step procedures for baselining your system, solving common
problems, reading alarms and errors, using features to troubleshoot your system, and
contacting Lucent.
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 — Reports, 555-233-505, Issue 1
Provides detailed descriptions of the measurement, status, security, and recent change
history reports available in the system and is intended for administrators who validate
traffic reports and evaluation system performance. Includes corrective actions for
potential problems. Previously known as DEFINITY ECS System Monitoring and
BCS Products Security Handbook, 555-025-600, Issue 7
Provides information about the risks of telecommunications fraud and measures for
addressing those risks and preventing unauthorized use of BCS products. This
document is intended for telecommunications managers, console operators, and
security organizations within companies.
DEFINITY Terminals and Adjuncts Reference, 555-015-201, Issue 10
Provides drawings and full descriptions for all phones, phone adjuncts, and data
terminals that can be used with System 75, System 85, DEFINITY Communications
System, and DEFINITY ECS. This document is intended for customers and Lucent
Technologies account teams for selecting the correct equipment.
Guide Builder™ Software for DEFINITY® Telephones, 555-230-755, Issue 5
Provides the ability to produce laser-printed documentation for specific telephones. A
comprehensive user’s guide and on-line help support the software. This information
applies to Release 8.2 as well as earlier DEFINITY systems. All customers receive
this software.