Field Description
MsgRcvd Displays the number of BGP messages that neighbor
MsgSent Displays the number of BGP messages that neighbor sent.
TblVer Displays the version of the BGP table that was sent to that
InQ Displays the number of messages from that neighbor
waiting to be processed.
OutQ Displays the number of messages waiting to be sent to that
neighbor. If a number appears in parentheses, the number
represents the number of messages waiting to be sent to
the peer group.
Displays the amount of time that the neighbor is in the
Established stage. If the neighbor has never moved into the
Established stage, the word never is displayed.
The output format is:
Time Established Display Example
< 1 day 00:12:23 (hours:minutes:seconds)
< 1 week 1d21h (DaysHours)
> 1 week 11w2d (WeeksDays)
If the neighbor is in Established stage, the number of
network prefixes received.
If a maximum limit was configured with the neighbor
maximum-prefix command, (prfxd) appears in this
If the neighbor is not in Established stage, the current stage
is displayed (Idle, Connect, Active, OpenSent,
OpenConfirm). When the peer is transitioning between
states and clearing the routes received, the phrase (Purging)
may appear in this column.
If the neighbor is disabled, the phrase (Admin shut) appears
in this column.
Dell#show ip bgp summary
BGP router identifier, local AS number 100
BGP local RIB : Routes to be Added 0, Replaced 0, Withdrawn 0
2 network entrie(s) using 152 bytes of memory
2 paths using 208 bytes of memory
BGP-RIB over all using 210 bytes of memory
Border Gateway Protocol