DS33R11 Ethernet Mapper with Integrated T1/E1/J1 Transceiver
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Register Name:
Register Description:
E1 Transmit Control Register 2
Register Address:
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Name - - - - - AEBE AAIS ARA
Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 2: Automatic E-Bit Enable (AEBE)
0 = E-bits not automatically set in the transmit direction
1 = E-bits automatically set in the transmit direction
Bit 1: Automatic AIS Generation (AAIS)
0 = disabled
1 = enabled
Bit 0: Automatic Remote Alarm Generation (ARA)
0 = disabled
1 = enabled
Register Name:
Register Description:
BOC Control Register
Register Address:
Bit # 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Default 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bit 4: Receive BOC Enable (RBOCE). Enables the receive BOC function. The TR.RFDL register reports the
received BOC code and two information bits when this bit is set.
0 = receive BOC function disabled
1 = receive BOC function enabled; the TR.RFDL register reports BOC messages and information
Bit 3: Receive BOC Reset (RBR). A 0-to-1 transition resets the BOC circuitry. Must be cleared and set again for a
subsequent reset.
Bits 1 – 2: Receive BOC Filter Bits (RBF0, RBF1). The BOC filter sets the number of consecutive patterns that
must be received without error prior to an indication of a valid message.
Consecutive BOC Codes for
Valid Sequence Identification
0 0 None
0 1 3
1 0 5
1 1 7
Bit 0: Send BOC (SBOC). Set = 1 to transmit the BOC code placed in bits 0 to 5 of the TR.TFDL register.