Configuring System Information
ProSafe M5300 Switch
The Industry Standard Discovery Protocol (ISDP) is a proprietary Layer 2 network protocol
which inter-operates with Cisco® devices running the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP). ISDP
is used to share information between neighboring devices. ISDP software participates in the
CDP protocol and is able to both discover and be discovered by other CDP supporting
From the ISDP link, you can access the following pages:
• ISDP Global Configuration on page 109
• Advanced ISDP Configuration on page 110
ISDP Global Configuration
Use this page to configure global ISDP settings for the switch.
To display this page, click System
ISDP Basic Global Configuration. A screen similar to
the following displays.
To configure global ISDP settings:
1. Use Admin Mode to specify whether the ISDP Service is to be Enabled or Disabled.
The default value is Enabled.
2. Use Timer to specify the period of time between sending new ISDP packets. The range is 5
to 254 seconds. Default value is 30 seconds.
3. Use Hold Time to specify the hold time for ISDP packets that the switch transmits. The hold
time specifies how long a receiving device should store information sent in the ISDP packet
before discarding it. The range 10 to 255 seconds. Default value is 180 seconds.
4. Use Version 2 Advertisements to enable or disable the sending of ISDP version 2 packets
from the device. The default value is Enabled.