NETGEAR GS728TP100NAS Switch User Manual

Managing Device Security
ProSafe M5300 Switch
Private Group Membership
Use this page to configure the ports that belong to the existing private groups. To display the
Private Group Membership page, click Security
Traffic Control> Private Group Private
Group Membership.
To configure private group port membership:
1. Use Group ID to select the Group ID for which you want to display or configure data.
2. Use Port List to add the ports you selected to this private group.
Field Description
Group Name This field identifies the name for the Private Group you selected. It can be up
to 24 non-blank characters long.
Group Mode This field identifies the mode of the Private Group you selected. The modes
community: Each member port can forward traffic to other members in
the same group, but not to members in other groups (default).
isolated: The member port in the group cannot forward its egress traffic to
any other members in the same group.