Configuring System Information
ProSafe M5300 Switch
DHCPv6 Relay
The DHCPv6 Relay Agent allows for various sub-options to be attached to messages that are
being relayed by the local switch to a DHCPv6 server. The DHCPv6 server may in turn use
this information in determining an address to assign to a DHCPv6 client
To display the DHCPv6 Relay Configuration page, click System > Services > DHCPv
6 Relay.
A screen similar to the following displays.
DHCPv6 Release Packets Received Specifies the number of Releases.
DHCPv6 Decline Packets Received Specifies the number of Declines.
DHCPv6 Inform Packets Received Specifies the number of Informs.
DHCPv6 Relay-forward Packets Received Specifies the number of Relay forwards.
DHCPv6 Relay-reply Packets Received Specifies the number of Relay Replies.
DHCPv6 Malformed Packets Received Specifies the number of Malformed Packets.
Received DHCPv6 Packets Discarded Specifies the number of Packets Discarded.
Messages Sent The aggregate of all interface level statistics for
messages sent.
Total DHCPv6 Packets Sent Specifies the total number of Packets Transmitted.
DHCPv6 Advertisement Packets Transmitted Specifies the number of Advertisements.
DHCPv6 Reply Packets Transmitted Specifies the number of Replies.
DHCPv6 Reconfig Packets Transmitted Specifies the number of Reconfigurations.
DHCPv6 Relay-forward Packets Transmitted Specifies the number of Relay forwards.
DHCPv6 Relay-reply Packets Transmitted
Specifies the number of Relay Replies.
Field Description