NETGEAR GS728TP100NAS Switch User Manual

Configuring System Information
ProSafe M5300 Switch
8. Use DHCP Vendor Class Identifier String to specify the text string to add to DHCP
requests as option 60, the VCI option.
9. Use Management VLAN ID to specify the management VLAN ID of the switch. It may be
configured to any value in the range of 1 - 4093. Some network administrators use a
management VLAN to isolate system management traffic from end-user data traffic.
10. Click APPLY to update the network interface with the specified values.
11. Click CANCEL to abandon the changes.
IPv6 Network Interface Configuration
To display the IPv6 Network Configuration page, click System > Management > Network
Interface > IPv6 Network Interface Configuration. A screen similar to the following displays.
The IPv6 network interface is the logical interface used for in-band connectivity with the
switch via any of the switch's front panel ports. The configuration parameters associated with
the switch's network interface do not affect the configuration of the front panel ports through
which traffic is switched or routed.
To access the switch over an IPv6 network you must first configure it with IPv6 information
(IPv6 prefix, prefix length, and default gateway). You can configure the IP information using
any of the following:
IPv6 Auto Configuration
Terminal interface via the EIA-232 port
Once you have established in-band connectivity, you can change the IPv6 information using
any of the following:
Terminal interface via the EIA-232 port
Terminal interface via telnet
SNMP-based management
Web-based management