NETGEAR GS728TP100NAS Switch User Manual

ProSafe M5300 Switch
From the Advanced link, you can access the following pages:
Route Configuration on page 190
Route Preferences on page 192
Route Preferences
Use this panel to configure the default preference for each protocol, e.g., 60 for static routes,
120 for RIP. These values are arbitrary values in the range of 1 to 255 and are independent of
route metrics. Most routing protocols use a route metric to determine the shortest path known
to the protocol, independent of any other protocol.
The best route to a destination is chosen by selecting the route with the lowest preference
value. When there are multiple routes to a destination, the preference values are used to
determine the preferred route. If there is still a tie, the route with the best route metric will be
chosen. To avoid problems with mismatched metrics (i.e., RIP and OSPF metrics are not
directly comparable) you must configure different preference values for each of the protocols.
To display the Route Preferences page, click Routing
Routing Table Advanced Route
1. Use Static to specify the static route preference value in the router. The default value is
1. The range is 1 to 255.
2. Click APPLY to update the switch with the changes.
3. Click CANCEL to abandon the changes.
Field Description
Local This field displays the local route preference value.