ProSafe M5300 Switch
IGMP Proxy Membership
To display the IGMP Proxy Membership page, click Routing Multicast IGMP Proxy
Field Description
Group IP Displays the IP multicast group address.
Proxy Interface Displays the interface on which IGMP proxy is enabled.
Source Hosts This parameter shows source addresses which are members of this
multicast address.
Last Reporter The IP address of the source of the last membership report received
for the IP Multicast group address on the IGMP Proxy interface.
Uptime The time elapsed since this entry was created.
Expiry Time This parameter shows expiry time interval against each source
address which is a member of this multicast group. This is the
amount of time after which the specified source entry is aged out.
State The state of the host entry. A Host can be in one of the state.
Non-member state - does not belong to the group on the interface.
Delaying member state - host belongs to the group on the interface
and report timer running. The report timer is used to send out the
reports. Idle member state - host belongs to the group on the
interface and no report timer running.
Filter Mode The group filter mode (Include/Exclude/None) for the specified group
on the IGMP Proxy interface.
Number of Sources The number of source hosts present in the selected multicast group.
Click REFRESH to refresh the data on the screen with latest IGMP proxy member