NETGEAR GS728TP100NAS Switch User Manual

Managing Device Security
ProSafe M5300 Switch
To configure HTTPS settings:
1. Use HTTPS Admin Mode to Enable or Disable the Administrative Mode of Secure
HTTP. The currently configured value is shown when the web page is displayed. The
default value is Disable. You can only download SSL certificates when the HTTPS
Admin mode is disabled.
2. Use SSL Version 3 to Enable or Disable Secure Sockets Layer Version 3.0. The currently
configured value is shown when the web page is displayed. The default value is Enable.
3. Use TLS Version 1 to Enable or Disable Transport Layer Security Version 1.0. The currently
configured value is shown when the web page is displayed. The default value is Enable.
4. Use HTTPS Port to set the HTTPS Port Number. The value must be in the range of 1 to
65535. Port 443 is the default value. The currently configured value is shown when the web
page is displayed.
5. Use HTTPS Session Soft Timeout (Minutes) to set the inactivity time-out for HTTPS
sessions. The value must be in the range of (1 to 60) minutes. The default value is 5
minutes. The currently configured value is shown when the web page is displayed.
6. Use HTTPS Session Hard Timeout (Hours) to set the hard time-out for HTTPS sessions.
This time-out is unaffected by the activity level of the session. The value must be in the
range of (1 to 168) hours. The default value is 24 hours. The currently configured value is
shown when the web page is displayed.
7. Use Maximum Number of HTTPS Sessions to set the maximum allowable number of
HTTPS sessions. The value must be in the range of (0 to 16). The default value is 16. The
currently configured value is shown when the web page is displayed.
Field Description
Certificate Present Displays whether there is a certificate present on the device.
Authentication List Displays authentication list for HTTPS.