Configuring Switching Information
ProSafe M5300 Switch
CST Port Configuration
Use the Spanning Tree CST Port Configuration page to configure Common Spanning Tree
(CST) and Internal Spanning Tree on a specific port on the switch.
To display the Spanning Tree CST Port Configuration page, click Switching > STP >
CST Port Configuration.
To configure CST port settings:
1. Interface - One of the physical or port channel interfaces associated with VLANs
associated with the CST.
2. Use Port Priority to specify the priority for a particular port within the CST. The port priority
is set in multiples of 16. For example if the priority is attempted to be set to any value
between 0 and 15, it will be set to 0. If it is tried to be set to any value between 16 and
(2*16-1) it will be set to 16 and so on.
3. Use Admin Edge Port to specify if the specified port is an Edge Port within the CIST. It
takes a value of TRUE or FALSE, where the default value is FALSE.