Rev. 1.00, 05/04, page 188 of 544
10.2 Input/Output Pins
Table 10.2 summarizes the input and output pins of the TMR.
Table 10.2 Pin Configuration
Channel Name Symbol I/O Function
Timer output TMO0 Output Output controlled by compare-match
Timer clock input TMCI0 Input External clock input for the counter
Timer reset input TMRI0 Input External reset input for the counter
Timer output TMO1 Output Output controlled by compare-match
Timer clock input TMCI1 Input External clock input for the counter
Timer reset input TMRI1 Input External reset input for the counter
Timer clock/
reset input
Input External clock input/
external reset input for the counter
Timer output TMOY* Output Output controlled by compare-match
Timer output TMOX/
Output Output controlled by compare-match TMR_X
Timer clock/
reset input
Input External clock input/
external reset input for the counter
Timer clock/
reset input
Input External clock input/
external reset input for the counter
Timer output TMOB Output Output controlled by compare-match
Timer output TMOA Output Output controlled by compare-match TMR_A
Timer clock/
reset input
Input External clock input/
external reset input for the counter
Note: * The program development tool (emulator) does not support this pin.