AMD SC2200 Computer Hardware User Manual

AMD Geode™ SC2200 Processor Data Book 235
Core Logic Module - Bridge, GPIO, and LPC Registers - Function 0
32580B LPC Support Registers
F0 Index 14h, Base Address Register 1 (F0BAR1) points to
the base address of the register space that contains the
configuration registers for LPC support. Table 6-31 gives
the bit formats of the I/O mapped registers accessed
through F0BAR1.
The LPC Interface supports all features described in the
LPC bus specification 1.0, with the following exceptions:
Only 8- or 16-bit DMA, depending on channel number.
Does not support the optional larger transfer sizes.
Only one external DRQ pin.
Table 6-31. F0BAR1+I/O Offset: LPC Interface Configuration Registers
Bit Description
Offset 00h-03h SERIRQ_SRC — Serial IRQ Source Register (R/W) Reset Value: 00000000h
Note: Some signals require additional programming to make them externally accessible. See Table 4-2 "Multiplexing, Interrupt Selec-
tion, and Base Address Registers" on page 76 for pin multiplexing details and Table 3-4 "Strap Options" on page 45 for
LPC_ROM strap information.
31:21 Reserved.
20 INTD Source. Selects the interface source of the INTD# signal.
0: PCI - INTD# (ball AA2).
1: LPC - SERIRQ (ball J31).
19 INTC Source. Selects the interface source of the INTC# signal.
0: PCI - INTC# (ball C9).
1: LPC - SERIRQ (ball J31).
18 INTB Source. Selects the interface source of the INTB# signal.
0: PCI - INTB# (ball C26).
1: LPC - SERIRQ (ball J31).
17 INTA Source. Selects the interface source of the INTA# signal.
0: PCI - INTA# (ball D26).
1: LPC - SERIRQ (ball J31).
16 Reserved. Set to 0.
15 IRQ15 Source. Selects the interface source of the IRQ15 signal.
0: ISA - IRQ15 (ball AJ8).
1: LPC - SERIRQ (ball J31).
14 IRQ14 Source. Selects the interface source of the IRQ14 signal.
0: ISA - IRQ14 (ball AF1).
1: LPC - SERIRQ (ball J31).
13 IRQ13 Source. Selects the interface source of the internal IRQ13 signal.
0: ISA - IRQ13 internal signal. (An input from the CPU indicating that a floating point error has been detected and that inter-
nal INTR should be asserted.)
1: LPC - SERIRQ (ball J31).
12 IRQ12 Source. Selects the interface source of the IRQ12 signal.
0: ISA - IRQ12 (unavailable externally).
1: LPC - SERIRQ (ball J31).
11 IRQ11 Source. Selects the interface source of the IRQ11 signal.
0: ISA - IRQ11 (unavailable externally).
1: LPC - SERIRQ (ball J31).
10 IRQ10 Source. Selects the interface source of the IRQ10 signal.
0: ISA - IRQ10 (unavailable externally).
1: LPC - SERIRQ (ball J31).
9 IRQ9 Source. Selects the interface source of the IRQ9 signal.
0: ISA - IRQ9 (ball AA3).
1: LPC - SERIRQ (ball J31).