EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Telnet Commands
Set overall mask for end-to-end (EE) monitors.
perfSetPortEEMask [slotnumber/]portnumber,
Availability Admin
Description Use this command to set the mask for the EE monitors of a port. This
command enables a user to selectively choose the kind of Fibre
Channel frames in which the number of words are to be counted.
EE monitors are defined by the
perfAddEEMonitor command using
SID and DID pairs. This command can be used to match the entire
SID or DID to trigger the monitor to count Fibre Channel words. It
can also be used to match one or two of the three fields (Domain ID,
Area ID, and ALPA ID) in SID and DID pair to trigger the monitor.
The EE mask is used to set up a flag on each field to control whether
the field is used to trigger the monitor.
When a flag bit is set (ff), the corresponding field will be used to
qualify the triggering of the monitor. If a flag is reset (00), then that
field is ignored and its value will not be used to qualify monitor
There is only one EE mask per port. The mask is applied to all eight
EE monitors available on a port. The default EE mask value upon
poweron is all eight EE monitors set. When you reset mask, the
counters are also reset to 0.
This command requires a Performance Monitoring license.